Massive Help!
Good lord above
Oh, hell! What a mess. How did that happen? Your website just sits there, getting older and more ignored. Your competitors are flying ahead with expensive-looking whiz-bang sites. You're doing your best, but you don't know where to turn, and you're worried about the money it might take to fix it.
Never fear: Sitegeist is here. Contact Sitegeist and we'll take a look under the bonnet and give you a no-nonsense appraisal of the situation. Websites can be hard to get right, but they can also be easy to fix. Might as well start now, before it gets worse.
Sitegeist takes a clear, logical approach to web development. We'll tell you what you need to get your site and your business back on track.
It begins with your users. Let's work together to discover what they actually want and need. That's a good start…
Contact Sitegeist before it's too late!
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Lorem Who?
Lorem ipsem is the sworn enemy of good website development, yet it's ubiquitous. Dummy text. Placeholder content. Lorem ipsum has been used since the 16th century. If your business is presenting fonts and typography, you are forgiven.
Simple & Great