Case study
World Vision Australia

Website Redevelopment, 2008-9
Client needs: Content strategy and practical production leadership, aimed at delivering brand new content on every page of the new World Vision site. Development of approach and rules around online publishing, and handover to internal editorial staff.
Sitegeist delivers: Brought in mid-way through a 12 month project – and working with key WVA personnel - we identified a new approach to storytelling, and to ‘selling’ the vital work carried out by World Vision around the world.
Shunning their old product view, we created a new approach based around solutions to key global issues such as poverty, child exploitation, climate change and more.
Sitegeist led the process to develop a new sitemap, including the identification of content types and business rules for content behaviour, in keeping with site designs by Amnesia Razorfish. We also created site nomenclature, and proposed strategies for internal linking, contextual content delivery, blog production and much more.
Working with the wonderful, committed people at World Vision was a privilege.
"Immediately on joining us, John Ryan had a strong grasp of the job he needed to do. Within a day he proposed a structural foundation for our content that achieved precisely what we needed it to. He worked warmly and respectfully with our team, was encouraging of our ideas but unafraid to challenge our thinking when he was in doubt. We would not hesitate to call on him again."
Yianni Rigogiannis, Head of Communications, World Vision Australia
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